
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Learning Curve

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the possibilities of technology in education? Me too. But...

I feel very lucky - my digital literacy is really very good. I have a good knowledge of computers and a range of programs.

I have, however, feel like I have been living under a rock. I didn't hear about Edmodo, Yammer, Education Blogs, etc until a few weeks ago.

But then, how lucky am I??? - My ignorance has pushed on a very very steep self-guided learning curve. And even luckier, because I have discovered all these amazing teachers and educators using these tools in so many ways.

So what have I done to solve my ignorance problem?

Here is a list.

In the last few weeks I have:

- Re-started my art teaching blog. A project that was abandoned after only a couple of posts has now had new life breathed into it!
- Re-started my Twitter account. Before I realised other teachers were using it, I had NO idea how Twitter was a useful tool!
- Started a group on Edmodo. Even if though only one of my year 10s is regularly using it at the moment, it is going to be an amazing tool in my classroom.
- Stayed in touch and made contact with other like-minded educators on Twitter, etc.
- Watched many powerpoint presentations and articles on the use of technology in education. This I hope to keep doing!
- Thought about the many possibilities, and tried not to get too overwhelmed by these possibilities by becoming more knowledgeable.

Do you have any other suggestions?


  1. Hello there - welcome back to the web! I really enjoyed reading your post. Ignorance is no dirty word...after all it just means you were unaware of something. I love how you have embraced the gaps you have found in your practice, and are seeking to fill them out. Starting small (eg just the one class on Edmodo) is wise. It'll give you time to ride the learning curve, hopefully without too much overwhelm-ment!

    I wish I could find a way to get teachers so excited about filling the gaps in their curriculum knowledge. For example, an English teacher will get really embarrassed if they have to admit they don't know much about poetry, or film. But because digital tools are so much newer, it is easier to be supportive, I think.

    Viva la ignorance (and consequent learning)!

  2. Thank you so much for your comment. It is very reassuring to hear this feedback.

    I hope you are well and look forward to speaking soon,

