
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fauvist Still Life

Some photos of a still life in preparation for a Stage 5, Year 9 unit of work on Fauvism.
Photos taken using i-phone 4 and Instagam.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Insta-gramo-matic-hipster - Mobile phone photography

It was only yesterday I was at Cockatoo Island visiting the Underbelly Arts 2011 festival, photographing the day with fervour and discussing with a friend the amazing ability to take really really good shots with a mobile phone. I was reminded of how I photographed the Sydney Biennale a few years back using my Diana F+, spending a small fortune on processing and only getting a few really good shots.

And so, we photographed, and filmed, and even made a few silly stop frame animations of us running and dancing, as you do when attending an arts festival on this island. We did this until our i-phone batteries had one tiny red bar of battery left.

And now it is Sunday evening, and as I settle in to read the Spectrum and the review, I switch on Sunday Arts. Fortune would have it that the episode features some pretty amazing artists/photographers who use mobile phones as their tool of choice. Wow, what an episode! I have been wanting to do a unit of work using mobile phone cameras and apps. I now have some really nice artworld references to show the kids.

Even more fun, ABC Arts are asking that people contribute their own mobile phone photography - I admit, I went a bit overboard. Check it out here and maybe add yours!:

You can watch this episode on:

I took all of the photos above using my own mobile phone - including the tiny little gecko which I found near my bathroom.